Unitarian Universalists wearing Side with Love tshirts in front of the Texas capital

TXUUJM Legislative Action Day

Rally in Austin, March 13! Join us on the steps of the Capitol building! Details are now here: http://txuujm.org/legislative-action-day/ https://www.congressfoundation.org https://wrm.capitol.texas.gov/home https://ntuuc.org/2023/01/31/txuujm-legislative-session/ Please let us know if: You’d like to ride the bus or You’d like to buy a yellow shirt

TUUJM logo

New website, Action Hour, and immigration advocates needed!

The long-awaited update to TXUUJM.org has begun! Check it out. You can now access all the Action Hour info and past newsletters there anytime. More content coming soon. We hope to see you this and every Thursday. Also, TXUUJM is recruiting Texas UUs and friends who would be willing to be on a Zoom call…