These grants are available only to the NTUUC member churches.
In support of NTUUC’s mission to use our resources to strengthen UU congregations in North Texas, our grants should be focused on:
1. Grants to aid the search for and hiring of ministers and staff, including part time or visiting ministers or other speakers or preachers. This includes joint applications by two or more congregations who want to hire a shared minister. Minister/speaker grants may be given to help with the costs of both search and salary. The grant can be for up to three years but will phase out during that period. The Endowment Committee will consider whether the applicant would be able to cover the costs as the grant ends.
2. Grants to create new education or faith programs or expand existing ones that support the growth and good management practices of the congregation.
3. Grants for infrastructure and facilities additions. These grants should focus on one-time projects that would promote stability and growth and not be items that are or should be part of the regular budget process.
Description* Describe the project and attach any exhibits that help describe or give background information about the project.
Steps and Timeframe Describe the steps and timeframe for the project. Include a description of partners on the project, if any.
Goals & Evaluation State your project’s goals; remember that they need to be SMART. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timebound)
Attachments Please attach the following:
1. A summary of congregation’s income and expenses for past three years.
2. Membership numbers of the congregation for last three years.
3. Copy of congregation’s strategic plan and which goal(s) would be supported by this project.
4. Any other material that would help the committee to understand the project.