Wooden lit chalice on stone wall. Symbol of Unitarian Universalism. Photo by Peter Poulides.

Worthy Now

For the second year, NTUUC has a Worthy Now line item in our budget, for $10,000, about half the cost of ministry to CLF members in North Texas who are incarcerated. We ask congregations and individuals to join us in the effort. Will you be part of this work? https://clfuu.churchcenter.com/giving/to/prison-ministry

There are other ways of contributing – when I asked how NTUUC could best help with Worthy Now, the answer was “Pen pals! There are always a hundred people on the waiting list.” All correspondence goes through the CLF office in Boston, so personal addresses are not shared. If you wonder what you might write, consider what you would say and ask over coffee while chatting with a first-time visitor at your church. https://worthynow.org/pen-pals