Hiring – Youth Event Director

NTUUC Youth Gatherings

In years past, we had area-wide youth lock-ins; they fell by the wayside in part because of DREs having their hours cut – so NTUUC has decided to hire an ad hoc person, a Youth Event Director to plan and direct such gatherings, requiring minimal workload on those working in congregations. Unlike the rallies of old, in places like Tulsa and Houston, this will provide youth with opportunities to make friends closer to home, whom they can see more often. It has other benefits:

  • For those who might be the only youth in small congregations – they can join this group of UUs in their age range, and make connections.
  • Less wear and tear on the adults – it’s only a three-hour drive from one end of NTUUC territory to the other.
  • The shorter drive means that people don’t arrive at midnight or later, after hours of travel.
  • A reduced carbon footprint.
  • Developing new Directors of Religious Education/Faith Development, providing those who are curious the chance to work with and learn from more experienced people.

Assuming these are successful, we could increase funding and have more of them next year.


  • Middle School – one on June 10, and one in the fall, date TBD
    ? 9.00 am – 6.00 pm
    ? 6th – 8th Grade – youth just finishing those levels, not rising TBD
  • High School age – in the fall, date TBD
    ? Saturday morning – Sunday noon
  • Locations TBD
  • Name, theme, programming, and other details to be determined by Director, in conjunction with the NTUUC Director and the Directors of Religious Education/Faith Development, and with the support of an Assistant. We would also help in recruiting volunteers.

Stipend for each Middle School event is $800 for the YE Director, and $300 for the YE Assistant; for the High School level, $1200 for the YE Director, and $600 for the YE Assistant. Leading more than one of these events would be advantageous but is not required. People wishing to apply for the YE Director should send a resume and cover letter to executive@ntuuc.org before April 3. The YE Director will then take the lead on hiring a YE Assistant.

We will want to follow the UUA Youth Safety Guidelines and best practices.
